Jeremiah Lee
JoinedTopics Started by Jeremiah Lee
Growing up a gay Jehovah's Witness (My Life Story)
by m0nk3y ini feel the need to express how i feel and felt about my life as a gay man.
i was brought up from birth as a jehovahs witness.
this has played a major part in my life and it has been a real struggle to get past.
Only one "God" trinitarians?
by Anastasis inin the english language "god" is an odd alienated word.
it is an anglican word that millions of people take to be the name of a specific god.
but really, the hebrew words eloah/elohim/el etc.
To You Know - Trinity Doctrine
by Pronger inwhile i know the wts has published pamphlets on the trinity doctrine, i thought i'd draw your attention to a book written by a secular source regarding the history of the arian controversy.
i recently read this book and thoroughly enjoyed it.
to summarize the events, it shows how the original catholic church was divided into two camps; those that believed jesus was god incarnate, and those who believed that jesus was god's first creation.
re: question on the magi
by A Paduan ini think that i read somewhere that jws believe that the magi who followed the star were 'evil' .
is that the case - if so how did they figure that?
Should JESUS be worshipped or prayed to?
by LittleToe ini want to consider this point, free from the trinity / arian debate.
there have been an abundance of threads that have deteriorated into these doctrine, and it clouds this issue because tempers get raised.. so, please, can we keep it simple.
should jesus receive our worship, right here, right now?.
My CoC Book Came Today!
by Swan inmy copy of crisis of conscience came today!
i also got a copy of understanding mind control among jws.
so far i am very impressed with both of them.
Why did god create germs?
by sleepy inif there is a god who crested us , then why did he create germs , viruses ans other such things that harm and kill us?why also are there no instructions about these things in the bible, and don't give me that mosaic law crap, where does it mention for example boiling water or spreading germs through human contact, the most important things you can do agianst catching nasty dieseases?edited by - sleepy on 9 august 2002 9:4:21.
Why do so many people believe that jesus is god?
by Legendary U.2.K. ini still say that, christiaity is f--- up in these last days.. christianity teaches that the messiah is god, when the bible clearly points out that jesus is a prophet sent by god... jesus prayed to god<----that's the biggest proof... so i think if anybody believe that jesus is god, is not only an'-ti-christ(not accepting) but also a liar, foolish, and you knoweth nothing, and you are not close to god or christ, you are closer to that devil which we call satan....
by minimus inthe governing body is such an elite group.
whatever they say, it is law.
they are revered and held in the highest esteem.
Erasmus & the 'Textus Receptus'
by Earnest inthis isnt really so much about erasmus and the "received text" as about how our nature is to cling to what we have accepted as true despite evidence to the contrary, especially when it comes to what we believe is inspired.
towards the end of the fourth century, when jerome revised the old latin version, he wrote in the preface to the gospels : "is there a man, learned or unlearned, who will not, when he takes the volume in his hands, and perceives that what he reads does not suit his settled tastes, break out immediately into violent language and call me a forger and a profane person for having had the audacity to add anything to the ancient books, or to make any changes or corrections therein?
" and so it was and has continued to be.